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Rental Property Marketing Tips for Landlords in Atlanta, GA

Rental Property Marketing Tips for Landlords in Atlanta, GA

In the United States, 77% of people prefer to rent rather than buy a home. While there's a large pool of renters to choose from in Atlanta, there are a lot of competing properties as well.

To attract the best tenants and fill vacancies quickly, you need to use reliable tenant attraction strategies. Marketing your property well will help you fill vacancies quickly and help you make more from your rental property.

Here are the top property marketing tips to keep in mind as a landlord in Atlanta, GA.

Create Great Listings

When creating listings for your rental properties, make sure that you're as thorough as possible. Ensure your rental listing is detailed and includes all of the information that a tenant will be interested in.

Include information about the amenities, the neighborhood, and the size of the space. Also, use interesting language and calls to action (CTAs) to entice potential tenants to schedule a showing.

Upload High-Quality Media

As part of creating a great listing, be sure to add high-quality media content. Photos, videos, and virtual tours can go a long way toward fostering more engagement with your listing and gaining the interest of potential tenants.

Be sure that any photos and content you use are professional. Doing so can have a bigger impact than you might expect.

Reach Out on Social Media

If you're serious about getting great tenants, be sure that you're using social media. Consider becoming more active on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms to generate some interest.

Social media is a great place to share photos, videos, and more information about your properties. Doing so consistently can help generate some new awareness of your rental properties.

Run Online Ads

While you can reach plenty of people organically through social media and online real estate listings, paying for online ads can be very beneficial as well. Rental property advertising can help you target a specific audience and guarantee that the appropriate people will see your listing.

This won't only help you reach more people. It can also help you target the most desirable applicants, even before running tenant background checks. This will help make your entire screening process much easier.

Hire a Property Manager

Although there's a lot you can do on your own to market your rental property, many real estate investors struggle with marketing. If you want to fill vacancies quickly and ensure your property makes as much money as possible, consider hiring a property management company.

Experienced property management teams know the ins and outs of property marketing. They can help you fill vacancies with great tenants in record time.

Using These Property Marketing Tips

If you want to make the most of your investment in Atlanta, be sure to use these property marketing tips. Create great listings, use social media, and consider running ads to fill your rentals more quickly and avoid long vacancies.

If you need help with vacancy-filling strategies and property management in Atlanta, consider HNN Atlanta. Our dependable team knows this city well and can serve your needs both inside and outside of the perimeter.

Ready to learn more about our property management services? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help manage your investment.
